The third round of Spaceworks Tacoma artists is on deck. After a review of applications, a total of 17 artists and/or performance groups were chosen for participation on three tracks: Artscapes, Artist Residencies or Creative Enterprise.
Ten visual artists were selected to create Artscapes installations in downtown storefronts: Julie M. Jansen, Gabriel Brown, Holly Senn, Jessica Spring, Amy Oates, Nicole Linde, Rachel Hibbard, Celeste Cooning, Acataphasia Grey, Cheryl Rux and Nichole Vandever. The installations will run from March 15 – July 1, 2011.
Three individuals and two arts organizations were awarded Spaceworks Tacoma Artist Residencies: James Grayson Sinding, Chris Sharp, Jeremy Gregory, the 4th Wall theater group and Tacoma Music Collective. Four of the residencies, which vary in length from three-to-six months, are underway, with the Tacoma Music Collective taking occupancy April 1.
Topping off the Round 3 roster is the Barefoot Collective, awarded a Spaceworks Tacoma Creative Enterprise residency for a rehearsal space at 915 Pacific Avenue, effective immediately.
More award recipients will be announced in the spring. Congratulations to all!