The artist Acataphasia Grey stages parlor scenes that resemble surrealist nocturnes. Couple that penchant with an exotic name that could pass for an eating disorder, and it makes perfect sense to discover just how disorderly her Thanksgiving kitchen can be.
Grey photographed the still-wriggling(!) ham to the left while preparing it for the holiday table. (Possible dinner theme: Eat or be eaten.) She claims to have plans for a “traditional” dinner with family, but with a few twists thrown in as well.
“Every year my friends in Monroe insist we all go to a local corn maze and eat a slice of ‘the very best pumpkin pie anywhere!’ I haven’t the heart to tell them it’s not baked there, and comes from Costco.”
Though she gives it her personal best in the kitchen (at least when it comes to wide-eyed hams), Grey claims mixed feelings about the holidays. “People brood over how well the year didn’t go, and why they are alone…Or, perhaps this is a scene of solitary joy, free at last from obligation.
“Ask the ham. It knows.”