Start Creative Business in Tacoma with Spaceworks, Learn How
Spaceworks matches artistic entrepreneurs with vacant spaces, while providing business training to help them develop a sustainable path to economic growth and fulfill their creative potential.
Our application is open to artists, designers, crafters, techies, makers, consultants, organizations, community groups and other entrepreneurs working in any creative field (for-profit or non-profit).
Learn more about what this training program offers or about what Spaceworks does and join us at one of our open information sessions. You will get a Creative Enterprise Program overview, review of application guidelines, tips to create a strong application, Q&A, and an opportunity to get to know the Spaceworks staff.
Upcoming Info Sessions:
June 28 or July 12, 2016
5:00 – 7:00 PM
1120 Creative House (1120 Pacific Ave, Tacoma, WA 98402)
No RSVP Required.
Office Hours:
If you need help outside of these sessions, you can schedule “office hours” with Gwen Kohl, the program coordinator to answer questions and review your application materials.
Location: Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber, 950 Pacific Avenue, Suite 300, Tacoma, WA 98401
Gwen Kohl, Spaceworks Creative Enterprise Program Coordinator, gwenk@tacomachamber.org
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