Tacoma Art Walk January 18, Spaceworks Highlights

Opening Reception for “Moon Moan”

January 18, 6 PM – 9 PM (950 Gallery)

Two artists draw on the myriad of meanings associated with the celestial body to explore themes of womanhood, and the lunar influence in all of us. Life-long friends, Asia Tail and Raven Juarez are exhibiting their work together for the first time.

  • Spaceworks 950 Gallery
    950 Pacific Avenue, Tacoma, Ste 205
    (entrance on 11th St.)


Celebrate 10 Years of Art & Community at Brooks Dental

January 18, 6 PM – 9 PM
Brooks Dental Studio

Brooks Dental Studio hosts a winter’s night of art, music, and community. DECADE: celebrates 10 Years at Brooks Dental Studio. Featuring Chandler O’Leary, Chris Sharp, Jessica Spring, Lisa Kinoshita, Jason Grube, Jeremy Gregory, Yoshiko Yamamoto, Zachary Marvick, Juliette Ricci, Katie Dean, Mindy Barker, Maureen McHugh, Maria Jost, Sean Alexander and Henk Meyers.

A DJ will play music and drinks and refreshments will be available. All ages welcome.

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A Night of Art & Wine

January 18, 5-9pm
Hotel Murano

Creative Forces and Hotel Murano present an evening of fun, wine and shopping: fabulous locally created art & jewelry, meet the artists, shop at Creative Forces, wine & appetizer specials. Featured artists:

  • Marcus Harper
  • Amanda Gamble
  • The Art of Crunch
  • Kendra Varadi
  • Erika Bartlett
  • Nadine Hamil
  • Fallen Tree LLC
  • Sarah McTernen

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